Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to another school year!  As we all know, there are more and more children being diagnosed with food allergies.  This year there is a student in your child's classroom that has a severe allergy to milk and milk products.  Any exposure to these items, even a tiny amount, could be potentially very serious and life threatening.  The specific child, their families, and the school staff will be responsible to protect these children from consumption of these items.  We do ask for the help of our students and families to make the school environment safer.  Your assistance will be appreciated for the following:

  • Please wash your child's face and hands thoroughly before leaving home if your child has eaten any dairy products prior to coming to school.
  • Please contact the Classroom Teacher before sending any food to be shared with the class for celebrations.
  • Please check all ingredients on items you send to school.
  • For in-class snack time:
* Please avoid sending in foods containing casein and whey with your child.
* Please avoid sending snacks with dairy or cheese products.  This includes:
                       ~Cheese with crackers
                       ~Cheese balls, cheese doodles, cheese curls
                       ~Goldfish, etc...

  • Please place items for snack time in a separate bag, labeled "snack" with your child's name.
  • Please remind your child not to share his/her food with others.

Our goal is to prevent such a risky situation from developing here at school.  We greatly appreciate your attention and support in this matter.


PrincipalClassroom Teacher

Does your child have severe food allergies?
You've come to the right place.